Marketing Plan for 2013
December 13, 2012
Way to go Larry Shepard!
January 11, 2013
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Doing it Better in 2013!

**Doing it Better in 2013**

Every year HMS comes together in December for our annual Seminar/Holiday Party.  We spend the first half of the day as a mini-workshop followed by a catered lunch and Holiday Party.  

The theme for the seminar was  “Doing it Better in 2013 .  We discussed that by using what has happened in the past we set our goals for the future.  Each individual must do their part to in order for HMS to be successful  in “Doing it Better in 2013. .  An announcement was made that  Donna Tate, a long time successful teleprospector returned to HMS as the new Teleprospecting Manager.  Donna”s main focus will be keeping the TP”s on track and making sure that contractual hours are met.  She will help fine tune teleprospectors as well as dial for support when needed. .We are very excited to have Donna back on the board the bus because she brings with her many years of experience thus understanding all aspects of being a teleprospector and making it easier for her to relate to others   This new role will help give our QC Director, Nancy Fletcher, more time to focus on her QC duties.  HMS is on it”s way to “Doing it Better in 2013”!

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