July 15, 2013

Do YOU have the Self Discipline to Work From Home?

In the last article the importance of choosing and wearing the right attitude to successfully work from home was discussed. Every day we have a choice of what attitude we wear. This is the one choice that we can choose daily. What is Self Discipline? The definition of self discipline is “The act of training one’s own feelings, desires, and/or emotions with the intent of improving oneself for moral or mental improvement”. Self-discipline is the ability […]
August 7, 2013

How to Conduct Market Research?

Whether you have a new business or product idea, want to make changes to an existing product line, or want to reach out to newer markets, feeling the pulse of the market is among the first things you should address. Why? As professionals closely involved in the everyday operation of a business, it’s easy and natural to have a bias in favor of the product or service. This bias, can often cloud the judgment. Acceptance of […]
September 5, 2013

Challenges of Working from Home

Independence vs. Isolation vs. Ability to Work Independently “Working from home” is often high on the wishlist of traditional office-workers. The independence to work when we feel like, the flexibility to manage time to suit our convenience,  extra time we can possibly give ourselves or our loved ones, or not having a boss to deal with on a daily basis — there are a number of reasons why working from home is aspirational for many. The […]
September 5, 2013

Interpreting Survey Results Accurately

While revisiting industry trends in customer satisfaction surveys, we came across this rather old, but timeless article from Forbes called “Do You Trust Your Customer Survey Results?” Many things that the article talked about are relevant to both customer satisfaction survey companies and to companies that requisition these surveys. The article focuses on best practices of companies that are successful at customer satisfaction surveys. Some practices include: Frequently surveying the clients Being consistent in the survey […]