May 28, 2013

Importance of Measuring Customer Satisfaction

If you have read the first part of our series of articles on Market Research — What is Market Research — you would know how there is an inconsistency in the understanding and scope of market research. In this second part of the series, we focus on one of the goals that market research can help you achieve — measuring and ensuring customer satisfaction. Why measure customer satisfaction? In a buyer’s market, it is important for […]
July 15, 2013

Do YOU Have the Attitude it Takes to Work from Home?

Working from home can seem like the answer to all of your prayers. It can relieve transportation costs, daycare costs and it can even open up more doors for family time. Many even think that working from home can be stress free with no one holding you down, and no office/peer pressure. In fact, some believe that working from home is the solution to all of their problems! All of these ideologies are correct if you […]
July 15, 2013

Do YOU have the Self Discipline to Work From Home?

In the last article the importance of choosing and wearing the right attitude to successfully work from home was discussed. Every day we have a choice of what attitude we wear. This is the one choice that we can choose daily. What is Self Discipline? The definition of self discipline is “The act of training one’s own feelings, desires, and/or emotions with the intent of improving oneself for moral or mental improvement”. Self-discipline is the ability […]
August 7, 2013

How to Conduct Market Research?

Whether you have a new business or product idea, want to make changes to an existing product line, or want to reach out to newer markets, feeling the pulse of the market is among the first things you should address. Why? As professionals closely involved in the everyday operation of a business, it’s easy and natural to have a bias in favor of the product or service. This bias, can often cloud the judgment. Acceptance of […]